Wednesday, October 22, 2008

LAX refuge, pt01

sound energy:

sound from around the site, primarily from airplanes and vehicle traffic, produce energy flows that are captured by machines acting on the parking garage decks. the machines use this energy to carve into the floorplates as well as lay concrete down for floorplate expansion. two datum are established to establish a minimum and maximum floorplate dimension. the time in which these floorplates move from minimum to maximum, a deflection of 30-40 feet, is on the order of months to years, depending on the available energy during that period. as soon as a datum is reached, the machine performs an opposing action (from carving out/grinding to pouring concrete). as sound energy is being absorbed for work, the formal behavior of the collective machine resembles an oscillating wave.

a simple GC model demonstrates this action.

multiple sound energy sources will influence this behavior, thus multiple wave propogations will be evident in the overall form. interferences will also occur as these waves meet to produce variable results.

research directions:

Hans Jenny - Cymatics
Resonance tests (video)

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