Wednesday, September 24, 2008

GC Sun Path Model

a sun path model, made in gc.

the controls are: latitude (degrees), date (1-365) , and time (0-24). at the moment, the time variable is a series from 5am to 8pm, which produces the arc. you can change it to a single time to view the specific position of the sun at that time.

download the gc file here.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

final transition|interval stab

using the last two models as foundations, here is the final model for the exercise.

GC file is here, with the instantiated feature defined here.

(to find the .dll file, in GC click on 'tools' -> 'manage loaded feature types' -> click on 'select pre-compiled assembly file'. in the window select your feature (in my case it's called GC.scale_03.dll) and COPY it to your desktop to upload later. to search for this file you have to go through a few hidden folders, which is kind of a pain.)

physical model made of bristol paper, mylar, and 2-ply chipboard.

Monday, September 15, 2008

transition|interval stab02

now working with a surface, the idea is to control the angle of a series of fins along a surface. i created a second surface above the fins to control their angle via T values along each polygon. the angle of the fin is determined by the volume of space in each specific section.

the next version of this will be to instantiate a shape onto the polygon surface. the goal will be to create a shape that informs its neighboring cells as well as rotate with the spine of the volume, much like the scales of a fish or snake.

physical model:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

transition|interval stab01

from the gate the plane fuselage, the transitions observed are three fold: one is of volume, another of organization, and lastly of speed. at the gate people are occupying a large space, scattered in various positions, and relative to the ground they are nearly motionless. upon takeoff in the plane, people are occupying a vastly smaller volume of space, sitting in tightly supervised columns and rows, and flying at high speeds.

my first attempt was to simulate the elements (people) moving from a chaotic, unorganized state to one that has some observable degree of order.

this really didn't lend to any form finding technique, so it was abandoned as a scheme.

had it not been so late, i would like to have developed a scheme to 'randomize' the bottom elements (gate condition) to juxtapose the order seen at the top (plane/takeoff condition).

the first stab doesn't seem to represent these idea very well, though hints of speed and volume are observed. after creating this, i wonder if generating a surface condition is more beneficial than what seems to be an object.

my left leg for an undo button, for the love of god.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

swarming killa bees

the goal here was to simulate the reaction of a group of bees when a hornet is introduced, as in thermo-balling introduced in a previous post. the desired effect was for the bees to be attracted to the hornet (moving their position on the grid) and also to collapse their wings.

a few shots of tinkering with position functions. it seems that the bees (yellow dots) are swarming around the hornet (point symbol), but what was unexpected was that they actually follow the hornet when it leaves the area.

i don't really know why this happens, but it turns out the function i wrote didn't make sense. so i changed it.

now the reaction makes sense.

building a skeleton for the actual bee head and wings.

i tried creating the left wing and something went wrong. the result was unexpected.

getting there. there are a few outliers where a bee's wing is significantly collapsed but it's position isn't very close. the swarming effect isn't as accelerated as i wanted, but increasing the power of the position function didn't resolve it either. ultimately i'd like to set a radius (or even sphere) of influence for the hornet, such that any bee within that radius is strongly drawn to the hornet.

i couldn't figure out how to write a function for the wing rotation based on the distance between a particular bee and the hornet, so i based the wing geometry on a triangle. the length of the bottom leg of the triangle was based on this distance.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

on leaves

The Phylliidae family, also known as leaf insects, possess the ability to mimic the form of a leaf to protect themselves from predators. From Britannica:

"The female has large leathery forewings (tegmina) that lie edge to edge on the abdomen and resemble, in their vein pattern, the midrib and veins in a leaf. Females are flightless and so the hindwings have no function. The male has small tegmina and ample, non-leaflike, functional hindwings."

Saturday, September 6, 2008

on bees

The Eastern Honeybee, Apis Cerana, has a unique method of self defense: 'thermo-balling.' From Wikipedia:

"When an Apis cerana hive is invaded by the Japanese giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), about 500 Japanese honey bees (A. cerana japonica) surround the hornet and vibrate their flight muscles until the temperature is raised to 47°C (117°F), heating the hornet to death, but keeping the temperature still under their own lethal limit (48-50°C). European honey bees (A. mellifera) lack this behavior."

"they're learning..."

The Big Dog from Boston Dynamics is designed to navigate across various kinds of terrain while keeping its balance. From their site:

It is a quadruped robot that walks, runs, and climbs on rough terrain and carries heavy loads.

The video features the Big Dog slipping and recovering on ice, getting kicked around, and jumping over a specified area.

Boston Dynamics has a series of similar robots, the Rhex, the RiSE, and the Little Dog. All of which have specific methods to deal with their terrain.

Generative Components ex01